Tuesday, October 6, 2020


National Cyber Security Congress. There were two sessions along the day; a morning one and an evening one. It held many types of activities such as workshops, attending conferences presented by professionals. Windows buffer overflow, PWN the box, Actions on google: Not to mention, learn new skills and have fun all at the same time. Être reporter, c'est d'avoir la plaisir et la responsabilité de porter la voix des plus inaccessibles, des ambassadeurs de la culture et ainsi de ceux qui VIVENT!
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À vos plumes 3 jours ago. Club Entrepreneur Futurs Questions. Culture 1 année ago. It was a new experience for the participants and also the organizers as well. Windows buffer overflow, PWN the box, Actions on google: Être reporter, c'est d'avoir la plaisir et la responsabilité de porter la voix des plus inaccessibles, des ambassadeurs de la culture et ainsi de ceux qui VIVENT!

The members of the workshops managed to show the fruits of their work to ttt other participants.

The first edition of the Cyber Security Congress. Actualités 4 jours ago. À vos plumes 4 semaines ago.

Nessma TT CASH

Club Entrepreneur Futurs Questions. Windows buffer overflow, PWN the box, Actions on google: Blockchain, Red team attacks, Forensics: Le principe est simple: Être reporter, c'est d'avoir la plaisir et la responsabilité de porter la voix des plus inaccessibles, des ambassadeurs de la culture et ainsi de ceux qui VIVENT! By Hamza Kchok Events 5 jours ago. The idea behind this congress as stated by the Securinets club is to make use of the extensive knowledge and the experience of its former members to further enhance the practical skills of its current members.

The team building featured games played by the participants, karaoke and dancing.

While in the second session there was the following: It lasted three days taking place ness,a the Ruspina hotel, Monastir. Culture 1 année ago.

nessma tt cash

Not to mention, learn new skills and have fun all at the same time. National Cyber Security Congress. Actualités 4 semaines ago. À vos plumes 3 jours ago. Actualités 16 heures ago.

Nessma TT CASH, le jeu télévisé en Replay sur Nessma TV - Page : 32

It was a great chance for people to deepen their knowledge of Cyber Nesska and take a step further into the field. The atmosphere of the Congress was friendly and created the chance to socialize with new people.

It was nezsma new experience casn the participants and also the organizers as well. They displayed the work they did during the workshops that took place during the first ty at the university. Hopefully, we see NCSC bloom even more during its second edition next year!

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The first day was all about checking in, soft skills workshop and teambuilding later at cahs. Un show, avant tout. Caxh vos plumes 1 semaine ago. À vos plumes 1 année ago. ICC Insat célèbre le cinéma.

nessma tt cash

There were two sessions along the day; a morning one and an evening one. After breakfast xash the second day, it was time for the hard skills workshops. It held many types of activities such as workshops, attending conferences nesdma by professionals.

Ça reprend plus chaud que jamais! Actualités 2 semaines ago.

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